We would like to request the authors to meet the essential criteria before submitting their conceptual articles. Thus, it will enable us to carry on the further process conveniently without delay.
The authors are requested to make sure that their article adheres to the following guidelines.
1. The authors are requested to submit the writing in Microsoft Word format via our official email address ([email protected]).
2. The article should be written based on specific keyword/s such as “soil organic matter”, “soil composition“, “water pollution”, “riverbank erosion” etc.
3. The authors should submit unique articles. We will verify the authenticity of the piece of writing based on the uniqueness of the article. You can use smallseotools for checking the uniqueness of your article. The plagiarized content will not be published on our website. In the final stage, we will use premium software, Plagiarism Checker X to figure out the uniqueness of your articles.
Make sure your article is grammatically correct with zero spelling mistakes. Click here to learn how to use the Grammarly app as a grammar and plagiarism checker.

4. The article may follow the following structure:
• Introduction
• Description-1
• Description-2
• Description-3 and more
• Conclusion
• References (at least 2 references)
If you have a special structure of your writing, you can also share the basic structure before submitting the article to us.
5. The number of words of the article must be ranged from 1000 to 1500.
6. The content should be written in a single-column format with “Times New Roman” font style and 12 point font size.
7. Please keep the text layout as simple as possible because it will be easier to move forward to publish your piece of writing on the website.
8. Equations and formula should be readable, preferably written using equation editing software like Math Type.
9. All the figures provided should be of high resolution, preferably 300 dpi. and make sure the images/figures are copyright-free. If you do not have copyright-free images, we will manage it. So, no worry!!

10. You have to include a minimum of two references in the manuscript.
11. The authors are requested to mention their designations. Thus the designations can be used in the footer of the content.
Your content will be reviewed by our reviewers and then we will let you know the status of the publication of the piece of writing.
Kind Regards,
Md. Nayem Hasan Munna
The Founder of EarthReview.
Dept. of Soil and Environmental Sciences,
The University of Barishal,
Barishal, Bangladesh.